Following successful completion of the Training Year, the second year of the Luna Yoga Training Programme provides instruction in teaching methods. The focus is on techniques for imparting and passing on knowledge and the teaching of Luna Yoga.
- What does it take to be a good Luna Yoga instructor?
- How can knowledge be imparted in a respectful and appreciative manner?
- How can creativity be encouraged?
How can development be well supported?
Along with Dr. Barbara Bötsch-Pasta, I offer three week-long courses and two weekend seminars for a total of 150 hours in Germany.
- Successful completion of the basic training year
- Participation in a decision weekend
- Proof of attendance of an anatomy weekend and a philosophy weekend
- Willingness to practice intensively
- Private lesson with me or co-director Dr. Barbara Bötsch-Pasta
In addition to the 150 hours of Luna Yoga lessons, the following seminars are required:
- One 15-hour seminar on the history and philosophy of yoga taught by religious studies scholar Dr. Barbara Bötsch Pasta
- One 15-hour seminar on language and teaching style taught by translator Gyöngyi Hajdú,
- One 15-hour seminar by a Luna Yoga instructor the trainee does not know yet